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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: sure shot calls - Duck / Living Under a Bridge

The GREAT W. D. Scam has no connection with WD Gann, his associates, connections, family, etc., etc., etc.

I purchased the Gann courses and books, I'm thinking in 1980 or 1981. That was when Billy Jones was hawking all of his stuff.

Sizeable and pricey (for the time). Lots of overlays (I loved the "Egg Calculator", it worked the belly market like you could not believe), tons of chart copies,

Even purchased the "Wheel", when Jones was doing a dog 'n pony show ... a couple of years after I had purchased his books and courses. Kind of a fun toy and an easy way to utilize the square of nine, although I had/have found the square of twelve (144) and it's overlay to be a more reliable market tool.

The GREAT W. D. Scam is someone that knows ALL of Gann's unpublished, untaught and untold secrets.
Perhaps, the esoteric folderol of which you typed.

I still keep all of my charts by hand on the equivalent of the K and E engineering rolls recommended. I keep my Nov-Nov beans, May-May bean continuation ... as well as at least two options of most of the commodities that I trade ... Weekly, monthly, daily. Have to say, I sometimes cheat and look at a computer generated continuation of nearest futures - closest to spot.

All of this garbage of Gann .... I recall the first time that I saw a "Gann Fan", generated by one of the o------------old Apples. That was, perhaps in 1982 or 1983 ...

It was hilarious ... so many freaking lines ... the guy that was trying to use that program .... I have support here, then again here, then again here .... it seemed like every half penny down to zero.

Then, the people that draw a "45", not a one-by-one, because their grids are not perfectly square.

Or do day counts without actual count or check,

I have found that stuff works, and works quite well .... if you actually do the appropriate work and don't lazy out..

Now .. the GREAT W.D. Scam .... he knows it all. Never wrong (well once he violated his own sure fire trade signal ... but we wont count that).

The Great W.D. Scam, since he has possession of all of the unpublished, untaught and unpublished secrets (don't dare ask him how he got them ... he would have to kill you).

He is never wrong and his trades are always good, at a minimum, for HALF-OF-THE-MONEY-IN-THE-WORLD!