I've made a considerable amount of money, over the years, trading the livestock complex (bellies, especially).
Now, with the exception of live cattle futures, we no longer have a livestock, or meat, market.
Bellies (meat) are gone .... their glory has gone to the pin stripe pork bellies.
Feeders (still a fun market to trade, but not as realistic as it used to be) ... Now they don't trade feeders but some funny money, make believe index.
Same can be said about hogs ... used to trade LIVE hogs ... now it's some funny money, make believe index that is removed from reality.
However, they're still tradeable markets and can yield some pretty good cash.
Best long term market around .... just FADE the guinea negro .... he's been SOLD on feeders since they had a six in front of them ... not once changing his position. Although, his search for twenty year lows may put him in the hundreds instead of the fifties. A few of us still have incredible belly laughs when discussing that mullet!
But, back to your statement ... I'll show you decades of statements and 1099s .... good money can be made (or at least used to be) in meats (or their make believe counterparts).