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TFC Commodity Trading Forum


I really think this bull will end sometime in 2014. It's the end of the 7 year cycle. But, I'm not planning on front running it much more.
(see chart going back from I started)
"And something should only be labeled a bubble if there is no good reason for the run-up in price. That's not the case with the overall stock market"

LOL, that is too funny. In 1999 everyone was saying this time is different because we have the internet. The internet was an amazing reason for the market to go up. So by the above standard, in 1999-2000 the market was not a bubble. Haha, yet it burst like the hindenberg.

Some people can justify and rationalize anything.

Here is the one fact about bubbles. You don't know you're in one until it pops.

I don't know if this is a bubble, but the bull run is very long in the tooth and a major trend reversal is more likely than not.

So yes, I continue to btfd. But anyone that does it with wreckless abandon may get slapped pretty hard if they are not careful.

And Greeny said there was nothing to worry about with housing market in 2006. he was right, nothing bad happened to those who did not own a house, like nobody that does not own stocks will care when the bubble bursts, except in both cases, the average citizen will lose his or her job.