Y'know ... the fascinating (and severely sad) thing about the Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) is that it would not exist, if it had not been for Franklin D (the "D" stands for Demonspawn) Roosevelt.
He and Stalin cut a nation, with a written history as long, or longer, than China ... and split it down the middle, like pulling on a wishbone.
Here is a nation (you can make that "nations", as in inclusive of both of the Koreas) that had never invaded another nation. When they used to be attacked by the various rulers of China, oftentimes with armies over twenty times the size of the Korean forces, when they would defeat the invader ... they would stop at their freakin' border.
Now, due to demonspawn, we seem to have a problem. However, how much of a problem is it?
Has the DRK invaded another nation? Did they go into Iraq or Afghanistan? Did they invade the Crimean area of the Ukraine?
Have they made forays about islands that have belonged to other nations for thousands of years ... with NEVER a Chinese presence?
Looks to me, that once again, a weakling nation tries to blame some "rogue" nation that has done nothing wrong, other than STARVE and DEFILE its own people.
If we wanted an excuse to liberate a people, North Korea would be the finest example of doing that.
However, to wage an attack on them for the purpose of "world peace" ..... c'mon, really?