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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: I came back just to say....

No, you were at the starring at stars as usual. Do you not understand the word "building"? I also said it was a slow mover. The ridge has always been building strong....that is why I said the most of the rains would stay in the upper mid-west.... knowing that would cause flooding in upper midwest. ...something the USDA agenda and the market chooses to ignore because the chart represents a bearish double top with trend break and ignores any real threat. So, the markets are not about price discovery anymore...just a casino for fundies and commercials bitc**** for cheap prices as well as government manipulation. In the end..the farmer will get f'd. Farming will be a past time in 20 yrs. There has only been one creditable weather person on the is forum in the past in the last 15 yrs...and you are not it. My forecast is not based on solely meteorology per se, but rather climatology in the use of the MJO model (among other things) ...so most forecasters will miss long term weather changes...since most meteorologist can't see more than 2 weeks. The CPC has been promoting a strong EL NINO effect for the entire growing season...and NOTHING is indicating a strong El nino effect. It's just a strong heat ridge pushing the cold front north. I believe this heat ridge will run right over the wet soils. This why I don't post here often anymore...it takes to damn long to splain it. Looking at a chart is easier for most folks. I didn't expect anyone on TFC to take weather seriously anyway. I should of not of wasted my time.