I haven't been trading for the last few years. I still raise cattle and I run a business in town. My kids got old enough to go to college and I worked them hard enough while I had them to make them eager to leave and not too quick to return. That was part of my plan but I am afraid that I made them a little too independent. A lot of my trading was actually hedging my cattle. In 2005 and 2006 I was buying Sept feeders when I was buying physical cattle in Feb. I would buy puts under my positions just like I would the calves I was buying. That worked so well that I got spooked and quit doing it. I hate to admit I have missed the last several years because I had never done business in a demand driven market. I just didn't get adjusted. I almost feel like I am waiting for a major correction so I can work with supplies driven markets again. I'm not too proud of that, but you asked. I didn't see much reason to be hedging my cattle as long as the fed was pumping billions into the economy. I vowed to quit hedging or speculating until Chicago outlawed pockets on shirts on the floor. They are still pumping money and still using their pockets. I will be back sometime. In the meantime I just keep watching my hair get whiter in hopes that when things change I will be respected as one of the last guys to have hedged grain and cattle before the good years.
Things have been good. I hope everything is well with you.