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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: The Laguna report...incredible! *LINK*

Published Oct 6th, 2014
A paper showing results of the independent testing of a small cold fusion reactor just released Oct. 6th. This is the first confirmation of a working model, why is the press quiet?!! So they can deflate the energy sector calmly?

Here is an excerpt from the summary, published Oct 6th, 2014 by 3 prominent physicists. But you should skim/read it yourself.

In summary, the performance of the E-Cat reactor is remarkable. We have a device giving heat energy
compatible with nuclear transformations, but it operates at low energy and gives neither nuclear radioactive
waste nor emits radiation. From basic general knowledge in nuclear physics this should not be possible.
Nevertheless we have to relate to the fact that the experimental results from our test show heat production
beyond chemical burning, and that the E-Cat fuel undergoes nuclear transformations. It is certainly most
unsatisfying that these results so far have no convincing theoretical explanation, but the experimental results
cannot be dismissed or ignored just because of lack of theoretical understanding. Moreover, the E-Cat results
are too conspicuous not to be followed up in detail. In addition, if proven sustainable in further tests the ECat
invention has a large potential to become an important energy source. Further investigations are required
to guide the interpretational work, and one needs in particular as a first step detailed knowledge of all
parameters affecting the E-Cat operation. Our work will continue in that direction.