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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Trade record?

Just in case some of you have been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for my report on my trading record, I have bad news. There is no trading record past the 8 or 9 in 10 winners in the beans(or whatever it was). Why? Bubba has changed to trading the currencies and told the grains to kiss my ass! Slow moving, choppy assed bastard F's that they are. Man...I cut them off earlier this week and don't mind one little bit. Don't miss them at all and I feel relieved that I did it. It's like getting in a hay maker in a fight...take that A-hole!

Anyway...I decided not to make any trades while I just watch how the Euro moves for a few weeks. After spending 5 or more years watching nothing but the grains(beans, in particular) I thought it best to familiarize myself with the "new thing". Really liking how the Euro moves. It will actually tool along in any one direction for a ways and not chop back on you after a piddly 2 or 3 cent(equivalent) move. What a relief. Sometimes, regularly even, it will flat out haul ass!

Hopefully, I'll have something to report next week.

Just as an aside...do not...I repeat...do not break out the rotary tiller for the first bit of anything rigorous you do right out of the box after ass sitting most of the winter. Tripled the size of my garden from very small to what might be mistaken for an actual garden a few days ago. The next couple of days after that...back to ass sitting except with extremely sore muscles.

1. those veggies better be good...and
2. getting old sucks!