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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: How & Why We Forecast The Aussie Dollar Rally *PIC*

Yeah Wayne if you trade U.S. hours you really only had one shot at it has a day-trader -- yesterday on the U.S. open -- a nice long look. If you traded the London open today however; wowsa! See chart below:

While I believe the method on the lower time frames -- such as the 15 min w/ some entries on the 3-min or lower -- probably can't be improved much from the current trading plan and winning %, I am really excited about the future because I don't believe we've scratched the surface at all in determining which time-frame to trade based on the alignment of the RTT Ratio.

It was not insignificant that we had both a 25-day and a 50-day shift to bullish just last Friday. That is probably the time to take break-out trades. On a 4-hour or daily chart it takes years to gather enuf data for statistical validation.

Interesting the largest hedge fund on the planet BlackRock put out a sell recco on the Aussie last weekend. In the past that would have concerned me -- now it does not faze me. The method is the market.