First off Merry Xmas to you and your Family
Have you ever had to cut your grass in the month of December?
Crazy weather.
Sorry this is late.
Xmas is for bulls. Lets take a look so far.
Start of the month
CH 372.25 plus 2.25 for the month
WH 475.50 plus 11.25
SF 881.00 plus 11.25
SMF 285.30 plus neg. $4.30
BOF 2942 plus 111
Next a Presidential election year trade fact:
2012 2008 2004 and you can check 2000 and 1996
Corn made a low in the month of December
2011 2007 2003 and the market didn't
retest that low in the months of Jan. Feb. March
in those Pres. yrs. of 2012 2008 2004.
Can we say we saw the lows in corn for the month of Dec?
Impressive Thursday and Friday rallies.........buy breaks risk
last weeks lows.
This week grains close early on the 24th. closed on the 25th.
Give yourself a xmas gift, new broker. You would be welcome
Merry Xmas