Don' be worryin' none fer me...I've been waitin' for some kind of catastrophic event for some time...this giant debt thingy's gotta unwind at some point, the sooner the better...
I'll be eatin' popcorn watchin' the tube with amusement as all them high falutin' bankers jump outta the high rises...
Seriously though, it is a bit sad of a predicament...
My wife has a good friend who has half her money in the markets...she was complaining to me how she has lost %15 of her money and she 'better damn not lose any more" she says....I told her about my trading and she immediately chastised me for 'taking such risks'...I asked her what she thought she was doing in the stock market, and she was shocked I would even suggest she was taking such kind of risk herself....
Many clueless people about to get a clue methinks...
But it needn't happen instantly, stock valuations are such that either the market has a severe correction or just stays flat for the next decade....