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TFC Commodity Trading Forum


is due a volatility cycle next month. this should mean a fast es decline, as before. so, shorts are being layered in now in the expectation. in order to get a moonshot, this fuel must be used to push higher instead of getting the "business as usual" decline. the shorts will wait until late next month before they bail out and try to reverse because those computers are locked into a time consideration. this is how a blow-off occurs. however, for the time being, all is calm and well in the investing world. i'm thinking the first hint that a blow-off could start is certain HRC supporters defect going into 11/8 and roll to DJT publicly. Then, others roll and you get a landslide. It's all up to perceptions, now.

if the 7 digit year is going to have a large decline, we must go up first or the LT bull may be in some trouble. panic declines are fairly common. panic advances are exceedingly rare, but much more thrilling. one that's talked about for a long time.

the CBs, which have soaked up the float, along with the buybacks, have reduced available supply so small demand could result in large price moves, particularly if large numbers are short the reduced supply.

you lose nothing being aware. always good to have a plan "B." just in case.