Potential long term high risk play...
I just watched last Sunday night's NOVA. It was about nuclear power. The hysterics over climate change has changed peoples views on the use of nuclear power. That's about the only good thing I have seen from the climate change scam. Nuc power has always been a good option for energy but back in the 70's the green monkey brains started shutting down the nuc plants...especially in this country.
Now with the old guard anti-nuke monkey brains either dying off and or losing sway a new crop of monkey brain climate controllers have started to research the options of using nuc power again.
NOVA did one hell of good job, as they are want to do, at explaining the various ways in which nuclear power can be generated safely. It's a shame we fell sway to the monkey brained anti-nukers. Why? There are some pretty spectacular methods by which nuke power can be generated and the new climate change monkey brains are doing some really impressive work in their search to produce power that doesn't utilize the burning of fossil fuels. Some of the research that was being done...liquid metal reactors...liquid fuel reactors...back when the movie "The China Syndrome" and then Three Mile Island happened...were probably going to end up being the next very, very, safe technology in nuke power.
The guvment was funding one particular experiment using the liquid metal method that had proved out over a 6 or 7 year period of time until Bill Clinton stopped the funding. Monkey brain delays progress once again.
One might consider investigating the possibility of investing in nuke power. Also, if you have some serious pockets...a research program for new nuke power plants. One such researcher for new methods of safely producing safe nuke power...believe it or not...Bill Gates.