Re: rs how goes the shoulder....
Hi Wayne, per Doctor's therapy script, I am in week five post op and completed 2 therapy sessions. Per her script, all motion gentle with no resistive exercises. While lying on bench, (scapular plane ?) she specified motion limitation 90 degrees forward elevation, 10 degrees external rotation and 40 degrees internal rotation. Therapist performed these motions for several minutes. I felt pain at motion extremes. At home, I am supposed to do pendulum swings using trunk as prime moving force and elbow, wrist and hand ROM and gripping exercises. I am still treating arm gingerly since sling required 6 to 8 weeks. Feel most pain at night. During surgery, tendons repaired were subscapuleris, supraspinatus, biceps tenodisis, and smoothing of bone spur. Remains to be seen as to what my pains, range of motions are after 12 weeks of therapy. Thanks for inquiring about my journey thru recovery.