It is more than about freedom. It is about people that actually believe bald faced lies. Of Trout's list of three .. C is a bald faced lie.
I pay almost triple the premium, because my rate is the same as someone that is undergoing radio and chemo therapy .. That has always been the case .. However, the difference is NOW .. when making application .. they can have the most costly diseases to treat .. be insured .. and pay the same premium.
Prior to this, insurers tried to issue insurance to relatively healthy applicants .. Out of that pool .. people would get sick and have accidents, wherein medical treatment was necessary .. as healthy people can become unhealthy, at a later date. Ever since Ronnie "The Commie" Reagan's HIPPA, and by most state regulations WAY before that .. those insured that became sick .. could not have their rates raised, only when all others .. healthy or otherwise, in that same region or state, of the same rate class .. had their rates increased. In other words, everyone paid the same premium pursuant to rating class. Whatever rate class you secured, upon underwriting and acceptance .. stayed your rate classification. Moreover, ALL major medical policies were guaranteed renewable.
The problem with the uninsured .. was that .. it's human nature to not purchase insurance when you're healthy. Only when cancer strikes .. or a heart condition accident or some other medical condition .. THEN they want health insurance.
For the uninsurable, since the eighties, ALL states have had high risk pools .. Some states were better than others .. But, all had the pools, wherein they had to take you and you could secure coverage. Pricey? Yes .. but there were subsidies offered for those that did not qualify for Caid ..
So, what was the big deal? .. People actually had to take some personal responsibility .. Imagine That!