If I was an evil mastermind and wanted to cheat an election I wouldn't be like some of the worlds dictators and have a 99.99% win rate...nobody believes that BS.
I'd do exactly as you have suggested...got it by just that much...1-2%. Dang, y'all almost made it but...better luck next time.\
You have an interesting point about causing chaos by cutting the margin so close...
It is likely you would see #####ing and moaning and claims of cheated elections from the right concerning a tight election...see Al Franken. If there was ever a case for a cheated close election...that is one. Don't know if it was actually fraudulently done or not but I would call to your attention the lack of violent protest by the right. Bitcching, accusations, and conspiracy theories...yes. Little punk asssholes out there beating up Franken supporters, etc. No.
This violence is a leftest phenomenon. They are a bunch of babies...Nazi thugs...who think very much like ISIS...if you don't believe as we do...we'll beat you up and maybe we'll get around to chopping your head off with a dull rusty knife. It's what they want to do...when they can figure out a way of doing without going to the poke...they will. Haters all.