"It's just a matter of time before Trump gets impeached or resigns or both"
OMG...I spent 8 years thinking the same of Clinturd and 8 years thinking the same of Ocrapper...never two more deserving people of impeachment...wait...Clinturd was impeached...anyway...don't waste your time. Aint going to happen. You're tilting at windmills, as the old saying goes. There's no there, there. Save you're energy for something more productive.
Anyway...yes...liberals heads are exploding all across the country. First, the clarion call was...fire that low rent Comey...OMG...now that someone took the liberals up on their admonishments to fire the man...we have to impeach the man that did what we wanted. That's a classic definition of heads exploding or maybe lunacy...take your pick.