Charlie Gard and God...
The odd's of the British judges allowing poor Charlie Gard to travel across the pond for possible life changing treatment lies somewhere between zero and not a chance in hell.
The liberal/communist ten commandments starts off shall place no god before the state. That's why they abolish already established relegions except those that proclaim the tenants of Islam.
The state, who has already decreed death for poor Charlie, can not dare risk that poor Charlie be saved by better medicine offered up by a non-single payer/government run health care organization and show that the government edict that poor Charlie shall die was wrong. To do so would challenge the god status of the state and it's many omnipotent minions.
That's why poor Charlie stands no chance.
Personally, judging from the condition he is in, I doubt he can be saved but I, unlike the communist/statest/liberals/progressives, do not consider myself God and do not have the ability to decide for poor Charlie or his parents.