I haven't worn a wrist watch in 15 years or more. When I was young I always had one one except when I slept. If I didn't have my watch on I felt like I was naked. Maybe everybody gets this way as they age but I attribute it to being outside a lot. I can pretty much tell time to the half hour by the sun. Not that it matters anymore because the days fly by so fast it works like this. Sun's up=morning, sun's dead over head=half day, sun goes down=days over. Besides, clocks are everywhere, on the phones, in your car, in your house, wherever you go...except...have you ever noticed you hardly ever see one in a doctors waiting office? I think they don't want you to know how long you've been waiting unless you go to the trouble of looking at you own time source.
I always liked those watches that had the Day and date on them. As I aged I got the ones that had the month and date. More aging and as a joke I would ask the peeps at the store if they had one with the year and month cause the days don't matter anymore, they feel like seconds and the years fly by so fast that's about all I can keep up with. Now, I'd just want one with the year on it. Maybe the decade.
Remember when you were a kid waiting on Christmas...time dragged like you were run to walk through 4 foot deep, thick mud. Now it's like, is it chris whoa there it goes....here's another one. I warn kids all the time...when your 15 looking at fifty it looks this long...hands spread out as far as possible. When you're 50 looking back at 15 it looks like it was this long...finger and thumb about an 1/8th of an inch apart. Of course that sets in about as much as when the old folks would say...life went by in a blink of an eye and they were 90. I guess you got to get there to understand.
Someone explained this phenomenon like this...when your two years old that second year represents half of your existence. When your in your 20th year, that represents 1/20th of you time perspective. 60...1/60th. Each added year represents a smaller and smaller piece of your time perspective.
Tempus fugit!