I think it was Michael Savage(I'm not much of a fan) said liberalism is a mental illness. Wow, I mean WOW! Is that ever proving to be a truth!
Part of what we're seeing, I think, is the convulsions of a bunch of people who think they are god's losing their chit over losing their grip on power.
Not only is it pathetic, it's dangerous. I fear it will get worse before it gets better because I think the American people...the ones who want to be and are proud of being Americans are beginning to see how unhinged they are.
Like ole MOFO threatening to put granny in a concentration camp and kill her because granny might dare to question their lunacy. Wow!
I'm ordering another couple thousand rounds. There may be more of them granny getters than even I suspected.
Gator may get my granny but I'll be damned if I'll let a bunch of insane fascist take her or your granny to the camps.