Oh man...can't believe I left the sheeple lines on the chart. I never leave the preordained sheeple lines there...you know...the lines they put on the dollar points. 5 dollars, 6 dollars, 7 dollars etc. BS. Tells you nothing and if I've learned one thing watching people put lines on charts over the years...they'll move them to tell the story they want to see. One minute a line lives at 34.21 dollars and if that doesn't tell the story they want to see...they'll move it to where it does.
With the geometric lines...they're immutable. Been there since there was 360 degrees in circle...be there until there isn't a circle at all. No matter the diameter of the circle there's 360 degrees...halfway point 180...quarter point 90...1/8th point 45...1/16th point 22.5...from the beginning to the end...always there...you deciding to look at them...that's a whole nuther story.
So, anyway, much cleaner look without the sheeple lines. Sorry about that.