Why Polls suck... *LINK*
Polls...as in polling people...not the abbreviation for politician. Polls...SUCK. Try to tell Average Joe...nah, polls are accurate.
Well, we saw how well that worked out for Helliary. These polls are weighted, why? A quote from Zogby " Quoted in the same article, independent pollster John Zogby said, “I am a liberal Democrat, but I always felt that other polls over-sampled Democrats and under-sampled Republicans.”
To understand why polls are BS you have to go no further in that statement than "I am a liberal Democrat..." No more needs be said.
It was amazing when Trump got elected the newest hottest poll goes from 70% of the people hate Ocrappercare to 70 percent of people don't want Ocrappercare repealed. Huh? Just that fast...we changed our minds. I doubt it.
Why did the poll numbers change all of a sudden? Because Helliary lost and the liberal democrats, including Zogby, needed to change the narritive from everybody hates Ocrapper to everybody loves Ocrapper because the first result...70% hate...was designed for Heldibeast to use as an excuse to go single payer. Look, she would screech, everybody hates Ocrapper...I have the solution...It's called anything but what it is ,socialized medicine, we call it a more palatable..."single payer"...this stuff is FREE! All the hip communist use it around the world.
Since, thank God, she got stomped, they had to protect Ocrapper at all cost...so the polls changed. Yea, yea, everybody loves it.
Little did the liberals know it but there are more liberals in the republican party than the democrap party. So they changed the polls for no reason. There was really nothing worth worrying over.
This is why one should never pay any attention to the polls. They are rigged.