yea...I guess I get a little, beat you face in, hot under the collar when you piss on my flag and country. Been watching rag heads burn my flag for 40+ years and whenever I see them doing that, I pray I live to see the day we fry em with a nuke. A big nuke. A really, really, really big nuke. Now I got to watch a bunch of ignorant assed people disrespect my country here...on my football field. Since I can't beat their faces in...I ain't supporting them by watching them attempt to play football. They can't hold a candle to the men who played the game before them and they can shove that ball up their assses...sideways.
Which brings me to something else. I, like the mighty Al Bundy, played high school football. We were taught to have respect for the game. We were held to a higher standard.
So, I'm doubled pee'ed off...they disrespect my country and the disrespect my game. Phuck them!
They should be fired and banned from ever stepping foot on a football field ever, anywhere, at any time.