Oh frick, man...we are boom town USA. Have been for the last several years. They say there are 100 peeps a day moving into this hole. The housing prices have skyrocketed, the building is everywhere, traffic is unbearable, and it SUUUCCCKKKKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
Nashville never was an easy place to drive...the road layout is chaotic...and the drivers are rude or stupid or both...I never figured out which...maybe all three. hahaha I used to tell people when someone around here turns on their blinker they are not asking you if they can move over they are telling you they are moving over and you better get out of the way. Retards.
Peeps are coming from everywhere.
The only defense we have is the allergy producing funk that lives here. We had a new radio talk show host come in from DC...Friday he was moaning about the allergies and couldn't finish the show. Today, still a no show. Friday, he asked if anyone had any advise. I started to call up and tell him...if it's already jumped on you this bad, you need to leave before this place buries you.
Nashville and surrounding area lives in what is called the Central Basin. It is surrounded by the Highland Rim...an elevation difference of about 600 feet from bottom of basin to top of the ridge! In the summer, when the doldrums(no wind) set in, the funk just sits here collecting in the basin and we breath it.
We will get our revenge! Clean air breathers...they'll be dropping like flies.