Innovators vs. Aggregators
Most info from "on high" these days is the result of stealing ideas and knowledge, that is, the creators are only aggregators of others' work, then calling their synopsis their own creation of worth. Not hardly. Left alone to fend for themselves and stand on their own, they would buckle/die almost immediately.
Much stealing around these days. No testing to see if a person can really create value by his/her own work. "We have a need for you if you are a good thief, or if you have insider connections."
Read the post again about Ling-Temco-Vought and go to Wiki. See how today is similar to then. Note: low interest rates that blow up the user as they rise.... trying to integrate by "owning the entire complexity" of an entire group of different groups into a cohesive system and profit center....(think AMZN, etc. today)........i.e. "Start to finish it is ALL MINE!"
Well, gotta run....closing time the free WiFi......Some day I might even order a sandwich with my beverage!