I didn't watch not one stitch of the services for McTurdomatic so I was wondering if anyone knew if they ever got McPokesLindseyGrahminthebutt buried or not?
I didn't watch any news last week for fear of actually seeing one stitch of that spectacularly colossally(or is that colonoscopyly) self serving spectacle of circle jerkery. That's how I was able to plumb the depths of newsdom and come up with the snake granny story.
Did you know an 81 year old man had a dickectomy done so he could finally be a woman...yea...after 81 years of swingin he decided to do a wackmydicktomy.
If you ever pondered the question of "is there God" one must only look around and notice that there must have been a God cause it's pretty obvious that there is not God looking over us in this country any longer. Look around....and besides to see whatever that was preceding the burial of McCrapforbrains, a certain number of the scumiest amongst use believe they just laid god to rest last week. I just hope he stays buried. I think the elite class of scum fully expect an ascension in three days after the deed. They probably posted members of congress near the grave site just to make sure when he is risen.
When I heard that Trump was not invited to the proceedings, I tole The Woman Trump should go play a round or two of golf...he did. hahaha