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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: That was strange...
In Response To: Re: That was strange... ()

Ok, I guess I have to pipe in now as an IT geek. :p

Yes, DSL is set up to send digital packets of data over copper wire and distance degrades the signal strength and speed of data packets pushed through.

Old corroded copper wire degrades signal even more. What I think happened after the blackout and strong power surge on the reboot of power line, it actually

"conditioned" the line to perform better. like a hair conditioner..it adds a layer of smoothness for digital signals to pass thru, faster.

How long this "conditioned" line effect will last varies based on many factors so I won't bore U.

Still beats 6mbps thru Satelite link from WA to Unalaska, AK. Solar EMPS, flares, volcanic eruption dust, generally high winds and rain or fog, no fun at all.

And for that slow satellite linkup costs the company 12k/mth !!! Not 1,200/mth, 12K per mth!!

When are we getting undersea fiber optic cable to the Aleutian islands with the heaviest tonnage of commercial seafood as a US port, when?

Talk abt govt regulations!? All the seafood processing companies and the boats and crew , have so MUCH govt regulations, I'm surprised they aren't bankrupt.!

Those who were going under, sold out to the Japanese firms., and now with the exception of Trident Seafoods, all others are owned by the Japanese as

subsidiaries. Yet, the Obama Admin paid for undersea fiber optic cable to ..tada! U guessed it, Little Diomedes island, that tiny little island between Alaska, USA

and Russia where abt 300 natives live, with absolutely NO commercial fishing there whatsoever.... they got undersea cable. Their internet is just like on the

mainland lower 48, what Alaskans refer to as "Outside". When we fly out of Alaska to the lower 48 states, we say, we'll flying "outside".

Think of this stupid liberal logic/level of intelligence at work!! Is that insane? Spend MILLIONS for 300 residents of a non $$ producing speck of an island, but

the BIGGEST by volume of commercial seafood produced in AMERICA, gets snail paced intermittent sat link! FIeUCK!!!

Yet, we're the ones who have to fax or email TONS of frickin regulatory forms and reports!!! Every frickin day! EPA, NOAA, and how many others local,

municipal, State, Federal..it goes on and on..frickin nuts! We are required to report all that data! And we pay the taxes for all that govt revenue..yet I haven't

seen this trickle down effect of "less regulation' , I haven't seen any relaxation over the silliest EPA rules, U don't want to know , lol, ...and yet get the worst

internet in probably the developed world. I mean I see Africans streaming video on their phones with ease!! Sorry for the rant..hahaha, but I hope the Trump

Admin finally gives the grant to get us up to speed in this world as a modern commercial fishing port. A recent visit by the FCC chief's right hand man was here

cpl of wks ago with an entourage, all islanders, commercial or families (with kids in school from kindergarten up to Senior High, they need fast internet speeds.

The average family spends $600/mth for internet (not Unlimited data, measured data), that's six hunnert a mth! Sigh, it's time this island of 4K residents off

season and much more during the fishin seasons. I try to keep my bandwidth costs under 350 a mth. So far, with a little discipline I get by with paying abt

200/mth for my bandwidth data at hm.

So, hopefully, soon, within 1 yr if they give the go ahead, by 2020/2021, we'll have normal speeds and unlimited data like everyone else should in the US.

Ok, I dragged on and on, sorry. hahaha!

It's not everyday tho',
