Pull out of Syria...
I wonder where that came from? I guess he meant it when he said it in the election...he doesn't think we should endlessly be over there.
I agree with that to an extent and on one hand...on the other hand...I think we should be over there.
I've been watch some form of middle eastern scum burning on my Flag...calling us the big Satan...threatening to kill us...killing us...for 40 years.
Long ago I decided that we should just nuke the whole place. Boom...over and out.
I was talking to a friend during the second sand monkey war W2(GW Bush)...We were in agreement on two points. We thought we should go kill a bunch of people(I knew I'd never get my nuke so I settle for what they did) and come home. You know...kill a bunch and come home.
Yet, here we are seventeen years later...still there. Killed a bunch but didn't leave. We're never going to be able to kill them all unless we take out the breeders all in one fell swoop. Boom...over and out. Nuke the place. It's been a constant state of the most barbaric hell for over two thousand years. These people are stuck in the stone age and don't, but for a precious few of them, know how to upgrade their minds to Mind 2.0. Are they just monkey brained...you know...of or posses of a mind with no more power to it than the average monkey. That may be insulting to monkeys. They don't tend to kill each other off as freely as these things do. No love and long ago out of compassion.
And, what's stupider than being over there is bringing them over here! hahaha...I guess what could be stupider would to be like Europe...he y'all watch this...we're going to bring those things over here by the kabazillions and try to tame them. What we did was stupid enough.
All at the same time...I feel the need to have us over there killing them off to the point they don't take everything over because truly, if we don't stop them over there they will infest the whole world.
And, since they need killing and we got people willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for us, I like that our boys get to sharpen their teeth. It's better to have a force that's experienced. At the same time I don't think we should feed our boys to the monster...that's why I favor nuken em.
So, I'm torn.