UGAZ LoL last buy was at $52 then shot up to $260, did your wife get some of that?
I was so lucky because I was hedging UGAZ with short futures and taking profits near the bottom of the channel, then luckily close 5 short future just below $3 for a very small loss and that was a Friday being naked long a shi* load of UGAZ, that next weekend on Sunday night QG gapped up big above $3 then it kept rocking up well above $4, soo lucky. My best trade for 2018, that and unleaded gasoline. Got out into cash with Nasdaq100 just below the double top and still 80% cash at this moment, went back in, 20%, last week on the biggest day ever that morning QLD just below $60, TXN, NVDA, ACTI, IRDM, FEYE and CGC. Gave back most of my yearly gains by going long oil just under $60/barrel using ETF UCO
Happy New Year DiamondChan AND TFC