You might be best to possibly know these facts:
If Social Security tops at $27k/yr. normally, and we know that the "garnishment" of pay check up to $125k (+ or - on these), one can figure the return on the annuity purchased with those funds.
how do the Federal, State and Local pension payments out while working compare to the payments that come in upon retirement?
What I am getting at is: are the taxpayers supporting lavish pensions in the .gov sector and also receiving less on their own contributions in the private sector. I realize that some .gov uses last best 5 years to fix their "base" while SS actually treats higher late working life payments at less than early (lesser) payments for paying out
I have not seen anyone talking about this.
Also, what is this $750 minimum payout level for SS? Does that mean somebody who works all of his life at minimum wage and gets maybe $1000 month gets only $250 more a month than a marginal worker who was unemployed alot?
Thanks if you have time and inclination.