I didn't even know I had a twater acct.
No...really, I did. I opened one just so I could go to twitter when someone linked to it in a news story or opinion piece. I don't even know how to post a twater.
Oh how my heart breaks to know I have been suspended. They keep letting me know how to go about un-suspending my acct.
I guess they don't know how little I care. After all, they're dealing with someone who was permanently suspended from AOL back in 1850. hahaha
Which brings me to something else...pay walls for news sights. Sometimes I'll follow a link to a story and the paywall thing will pop up...you guys remember watching old westerns and seeing how fast the fastest gunslinger could pull his revolver...chit...the speed with which I close a pay wall sight makes the fastest gun in the west look like they are moving like molasses in the winter time.
Poof...faster than the speed of light.