Black Face in Virginia... *LINK*
This is crazy. The gov. did it...the Lt. Gov. sexually assaulted a woman...the AG...well...he did black face, too.
If the gov goes...then the lt. gov goes...then the AG goes...that leave some republican to take the governor spot.
What are the odds of all that happening considering we are dealing with demoncraps...I'd say right around zero.
If it was republicans...they's be painted in black face and lynched already.
The Black Lt.Gov...had he been a black republican and said about a woman accusing him of sexual assault...Phuck that Biitch as this Lt. Gov did...hell, he'd have been painted white and lynched...or something.
Personally, if it had been me who'd done the black face thing...I tell everybody...yea, I did it. I was 20 years old, 40 years ago. Go phuck yourself. Wanna see me do it again. I broke no law.
Regardless, this should be entertaining.