Taco Twat vs the garbage disposal... *LINK*
As G-d is my witness this happened to me.
I roomed one semester with a guy from a small Texas town. Six months we rented an apartment. When we were fixing to leave for break we were cleaning out the refrigerator and there was something...carrots maybe...something...I said, well I guess I'll feed this to the garbage disposal. Dude looked at me with this puzzled look on his face...jumped up with me and said...I gotta see this. After the disposal did it's thing...he say's...chit, I thought that was to pump water out of the sink better.
Not wanting to embarrass the guy I didn't ridicule him for not knowing. So I guess I'll have to cut Taco Twat some slack on this one. Still, though, it's funny.
Knew another guy told me the story of his Dad talking to his mother...my friends grandmother...about getting her a washer and dryer for her house so she wouldn't have to continue going to the washateria. Something she had done all her life. The grandmother asked my friends Dad, why would I want to do that...I'd still have to put the quarters in. Swear.
And the Texans used to make fun of me for being from TN. Okee Dokee