"The stuff that they were selling, in their roadshow" ...Did they used to travel around selling the course? I think when I ran across them they seemed to be settle on a farm out in the north west somewhere. Never knew they had a "roadshow".
I did some K&E charting but was glad to get to using the computers. I remember getting a satellite for real time data and 10 minute delay. I don't think I got real time right off the bat thinking 10 minute delay was good enough. For trading the longer term that was really more than you needed.
I bought a computer when they first came out...something called an Amstrad. It had a selector switch on it that allowed you to pick a speed...4, 8, or 12 MgH.
Paid 2.5K in 1990 dollars for that thing!! Now you can get one that the old Amstrad wouldn't start today for 750.
The best advancement in trading, in my opinion, was when they got it to where we could short circuit the broker.