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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: The munchkins break bad...
In Response To: Re: The munchkins break bad... ()

This is crazy. Trading companies selling peoples positions without the clients permission based on a charge of...hold yer danglers... "racism"? Are you freaking kidding me. How is that even legal. I told my nephew a few days ago that they big crooks would set the interlopers ablaze in some fashion. Told him...you guys have just pooped in the bigs pie plate and they will squash you for that.

Also told him that the people who did this, including himself, should file a class action lawsuit. Next thing you know...class action lawsuit. Not presuming that had anything to do with me of my nephew but glad to see the littles fight back like that. Not that it will go anywhere...they'll probably go nowhere in the courts based on...NO STANDING!

I'm starting to disbelieve that David sley Goliath...Goliath had the backing of a crooked media and crooked politicians...they backed Goliath and Goliath stomped on David's head with mighty force squashing him like a bug...shoving David's slingshot so far up David's bum they never were able to pull it out! Moral of the story is not the little guy can put down the bigs...rather...if you crap in the bigs pie plate, you to will be squashed like a bug and have your slingshot shoved so far up your bum that you'll come to think you were born that way.

One good thing comes from this...the neph and all the Munchkins who pulled this stunt...and everyone who's paying attention...they're starting to see the total corruption of the people who have stolen the power and run the show.