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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Biblical Mark of the...
In Response To: Biblical Mark of the... ()

Oh yea...peeps been calling it "the mark of the beast vaccine" for a while now. Z-hedge is late to the party on this one.

It sure seems like it fits the description, too.

The wife and I have been struggling with weather to get it or not. You hear so many tings about it. You even hear peeps say there's peeps dying of covid because the vax complicates things when you do get covid after getting the vax. There are plenty of cases where peeps are getting covid after being vax'ed. Looks at the bunch of dems from TX who fled their responsibilities a few weeks back.

What does the Mrna do to you? Is it permanent? Am I going to be one of those few unfortunates that the vax beats the chit out of...or kills?

On the other hand, there's a radio talk show host out here in TN who got the flumanchu w/o having been vax'ed...he's deep in the hospital struggling for his life. He wasn't necessarily anti-vax just figured he was not likely to catch it and if he did...had no comorbidities to complicate...wrong.

Never the less the wife and I are concerned. Our doctor is a big hydroxychloroquine prescriber and has had really good success with that...don't think he's lost anybody.

Big dilemma.

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Biblical Mark of the...
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