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TFC Commodity Trading Forum


if you look at the monthly, it has come down to a bunch of previous tops which should be support.

Spike's comment on CT as well as my other view of bull Swiss Franc looks like a USD massive sell off is only months away....driving commodities much higher.

This is really going to suck if it happens.

Collectibles will move up, too.

Buy everything Chinese that you use right away. Dollar Tree near me is only half-stocked.

If Spike is right, get on Amazon, ebay and get all of your T-shirts, etc. while they are still cheap.

Freeze some bacon or, better yet, buy some country ham (does not need a freezer).

Don't store water, buy a Berkey. Water takes up too much room.

Buy some cinder blocks to make a rocket stove if you need to cook. and power is out.

The best purchase I have made this year is a rechargeable LED spotlight on Amazon (mine says Buysight on the side, gold and black case). Can be recharged 500 to 1,000 times. Bright as all get out. Cost is $25 to $30. Light as a feather. I bought 3. A charge lasts a looong time. Made in China, of course.

Oh, and buy a bunch of Vitamin D, it's cheap and your body needs it if you are not out in the sun much.

Most of this stuff costs almost nothing. At the moment.