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TFC Commodity Trading Forum


It kept pestering me to let it upgrade my new computers Win 10 to Win 11. I thought, you know, the iterations of WIndows have never been a big deal to me...computers always digested them fine...I never noticed much except the interface between machine and monkey changed just ever so. Never a problem so I decided to let it do it's thing.

Those a-holes!

Forever since there's been computers...one of the first things I do is move my task bar from the bottom to the top of the screen and lock it there never to be moved. Yes, I'm one of those. Just always preferred it up top. I have a small stool I sit my computer on when I don't have it in my lap. When I lean back in my recliner and then proceed to peruse the internet I can't see the bottom of the screen to manipulate the taskbar. So...to the top it goes.

And then there's just the thing...I like it at the top. What? Thirty years like that.

They made Win 11 with the taskbar permanently attached to the bottom of the screen...no ability to move it around...up to the top! Can't be done unless you want to go into the registry and change some things. Even then they say it creates some bugger boo's with the taskbar.

I used to get some perverse pleasure out of watching people tapping the bottom of my screen with the mouse pointer trying to get the taskbar to pop up...tap, tap, tap, tap...Oh, sorry...taskbars up top. snicker, snicker.

Do you know how hard it is to shift gear after be stuck in up top gear for thirty years...especially now that I'm thirty years older???

It ain't easy!

I hate it.

What I dislike about it most is...they change things like this...not really changing much in the way it works deep down...just the interface between monkey and machine...just so they can say it's an upgrade...pay us for the new version on let us spy on you more.

Somebody needs to let those punk azzed dweebs at MS know that not all change is good, especially change for the sake of change.

FU...bottom of the screen tyrants!!!

Haven't forgotten about you iCD...still working on it. 😎

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Re: WINDOWS 11...
Re: WINDOWS 11...