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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

on war with Russia/Soviet Union

I've forgotten who they are now...Russia or the Soviet Union...I think, Russia.

We hear the normal chatter we always get before we go to unnecessary war. They are even saying a nuclear first strike is on the table. Really? How insane are these fools?

I'll tell you how insane they are. They're this insane. The democrat/republican/socialist/communist uni-party hates this country and it's patriots so much they want to feed us to China. China is the world leader if we are out of the way. Why China...because they are communist ruled. There's only one problem with feeding us to anybody...we bite back and we bite back hard. 600+ million guns and trillions of rounds of ammo with 100 million men ready to use them...that makes the biggest army the world has ever even dreamed of.

Give me some rehistats and sound thinking peeps to hook it up and make it work right...we'll have those chinese communist spilling their military plans in no time...in English no less...after singing a perfect rendition of the Star Spangled Banner...in English.

We are the problem child to the totalitarians.

Our totalitarians would like nothing more than to nuke us out of existence. Can't nuke your own people and remain very popular for very long. So what do you do...you work a deal with Putin...we'll torch a nuke off over there...wherever would best suit you and your needs so you can take over Europe...in return you nuke us in retaliation in all our red areas over here.

Problem solved. Putin gets Europe...Our totalitarians invite the communist Chinese over here to help rebuild out country...in return they get control of the rest of the world.

Do not put it past them to plan something like that...they hate you and want you dead.