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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Big Blow last night...

Wow...that was a hum dinger! Drove us into the closet when it came through. I could feel the floor and the walls...what would be a word...vibrating...rattling...under my feet as it went by. The weather TV said they had rotation coming right down the main road that's a third of a mile from us. When it got here it was like nothing I'd ever heard before. Don't think it was on the ground.

Broke a couple big trees...lifted and moved our carport over a couple of feet...even when the thing that hit us years ago that blew down four big trees didn't even budge that thing...pulled two of the 2 foot spikes that hold it to the ground out of the ground...blew my 5 by 8 trailer about 50 feet. Obliterated the hot tub cover. Minor tree limbs all over the yard.

Others got it way worse but this was bad enough to suit me.

West TN got it worse, I think.

Some town in KY...for all practical purposes...gone. 70+ dead.

Wicked night.

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Big Blow last night...
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