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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

PPI in the sky... *LINK*

Doubles expectations to 9.5% last month 56 since last year does the pee pee in the eye.

I guess its official now. Inflation has set upon us like a pterodactyl turd. I guess, also, that they have to have the official word from on high before they can declare it so, even though we could have told them that from what we see at the food store and gas stations.

Gotta wait on da man to make it official by official proclamation.

At any rate...none of this is looking good.

"Here we go folks. Jumpin’ ju-ju-bones, the first wave of producer driven inflation has just been quantified. The economic analysts are shocked, stunned, flabbergasted and surprised, because the January single month wholesale inflation of 1.0% is double what they expected.

The “producer price index” is essentially the tracking of wholesale prices at three stages: Origination (commodity), Intermediate (processing), and then Final (to wholesale). Today, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released January price data [Available Here] showing a dramatic 9.7% increase year-over-year in Final Demand products at the wholesale level."

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PPI in the sky... *LINK*
Re: PPI in the sky...