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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Ukraine... *LINK*

Y'all remember that Paul Harvey piece..."If I were the Devil"? Worth a listen considering he did this piece in 1965.

Well, this is my "What I'd do if I was a Commie".

If I was a commie and I had a problem with my Southeastern flank, which represented nothing more to me than mouths to feed and a hard core right wing, I'd tell my communist brethren in the world...you invade Ukraine...I'll hit Ukraine with a nuke, somewhere in the hinterland, that will do nothing more than give you an excuse to strike us in an act of self defense. I'd tell you...just wipe out my Southeastern flank. Take out Texas, we'll buy your oil or just go electric to save the world. Take out Oklahoma, they have oil and evil cows, too. Draw a line at the Oklahoma northern border and move east, AR, LA, MS, AL, TN, GA, FL, SC.

Leave out Austin to San Antonio, Memphis, Nashville, and Atlanta...my people have that territory under control.

You take the rest of Europe and we'll just watch.

Please China, come in and help the USA rebuild. If you help us rebuild in your image we'll watch as you march throughout the world. Just leave us our little fiefdoms to rule over here in Little China.

Odds of happening? Way better than when Trump was president.

Think that can't or won't happen? Anything is possible in the evil mind of the corrupt leftist communist.

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Ukraine... *LINK*
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