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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Z said
In Response To: Re: Z said ()

Several conflicting statements, made by "Z". Oftentimes, he would talk about his age, which would have put him into a category wherein he could/should have seen military service in WWII. Then, he at other times would state that he was too young, at the time, to have served but, his brothers did.

I well recall him coming out of nowhere and stating that he was taking profits on his short WTI positions (multiple) during the 2008 backdraft where the hedge funds were caught short, with no parachute. Not once, prior to his "taking profits on all positions" had he referenced even being short WTI.

When spouting bald-faced lies, it's best to take your previous lies into account.

Remember his claim of the military taking control when obimbo was president?

Now, we have a military run by morbidly obese transgender social justice warriors. Did the military actually take control?

I enjoyed reading "Z's" comments, I simply could not understand his cult following of Z acolytes.