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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

I didn't make the rules...

Ever notice how humans and other animals stratify themselves?

Alpha's hang together.
Beta's hang together.
Outcasts hang together.

You throw a bunch of peeps together with no rules not to and they'll stratify by race.

Blacks will hang with blacks.
Whites with whites.
Asians with Asians, etc.

The NBA is 90+% black. I don't watch for two reasons...one is, they've changed the rules so much it doesn't even resemble the original game and...I can't relate to anyone out there playing. In other words...there aint no honkies for me to identify with and if you can't kinda put yourself in as one of the players...much like watching a movie where you relate to a character...it's just not entertaining.

Same for the NFL...Game has changed to were it scarcely resembles the original. Same thing when it comes to relating...where am I on the field?

I'm a victim of nature.

Down to my reason...we love to watch "House Hunters" on TV just to get a look at the variety of house and geography around the country. Never gave it a thought when there was a black group of peeps buying a house. Black folk own houses to and some of them are just plain entertaining to watch. Some of the white folk are entertaining as well.

Recently, though, to watch the show you'd start to wonder if white people buy houses anymore. If there is a white person buying a house they're married to a black person. Again...I don't care about that...marry who you want and black folk buy houses, too. Where I start to have a problem is when the Tube owners start going 90% brown folks to white folks buying houses or they're mixed race in marriage...that's too much for me.

I guess...the projecting a narrative...is what I'm trying to say. That pizzez me off! Gonna have to shut down the Direct TV.

Look for the stocks to plummet.