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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

had to buy a new phone...

I'm a member of AMAC...it's a conservative version of the leftists AARP...they have deals that are hard to beat on some things. One thing is Pure Talk phone service(they use at&t's towers). I get phone service for 12.50 a month...unlimited talk and text. That's amazing considering what I paid 100 years ago when phones first came out...I'm talking those big old suitcase sized phones in the way early days of cell phones. They were expensive!

The reason I had to get a new phone was our old flip phone was 3g and they are discontinuing 3g service. So I upped it to 4g and the lowest package they had for time and no data. It's for emergency only...not "only" because there's some rule...we just don't see a need for using one other than for emergencies.

I think I paid 80 bucks for the phone but they're supposed to credit my account for 200 bucks over three months. Sounds like a deal to me. Had to get one of those "not a flip phone" phones because PureTalk does have a flip phone but whatever...the phone will sit in the kitchen cabinet until we go somewhere then we'll throw it in the truck somewhere.

Been pushed closer to the 21st century, I guess. Now I have a phone they can track better.

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had to buy a new phone...
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