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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Back to Ukraine...
In Response To: Re: Back to Ukraine... ()

Over the winter I got to watching a lot of stuff on Youtube...thank God the weather is improving...now I can get back outside and more comfortably do stuff.

Anyway, I started watching this dude named Derious and some others discussing women dating and posting stuff to the internet...mostly online daters(crazy chit there). Then the guys will discuss the female comments and videos. My goodness, some of those women are messed up in the head!

Seems like women these days think men should provide them with everything and give nothing in return. Some want to have a provider and protector on one hand while on the other hand still maintaining a singles lifestyle to include having a simp husband while screwing around with other guys. Apparently women cheat...a lot! Some get caught by their hubbies. The hubby will record and post the woman being caught...that's some crazy stuff. The woman invertably blames her cheating on the husband.

Then there will be vids of women talking about their "body count"...ie, how many men they've slept with...pump and dumps or smashing as it's called these days...30, 40, 50, 80 or more guys. Smearing that stuff all over the countryside.

It's messed up but it's what feminism has wrought.

Yes to the bugging in. I'm not going anywhere if the fan hits the chit. Where would I go? Like you say, this is home turf. I live and die right here.

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