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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Oil
In Response To: Re: Oil ()

regardless...this will probably, hopefully, and very deservedly plunge a stake into the religion of anthropogenic climate change and the even more insane, bastard stepchild of anthropogenic climate change to repair the first insanity of anthropogenic climate change...a viscous insanity of circular logic that will most certainly result in anthropogenic loss of human life...as I read...all of a sudden...nuclear powered production of electricity is back on the table and the newly minted declaration that natural gas is no longer a contributor of so called greenhouse gases.

I suspect the prospect of swinging from a rope with the last visions of their time here on earth being their mighty mansion being rudely disassembled for firewood this winter by the freezing masses might be the impetus of the changing thought processes.

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Re: Oil
Re: Oil
Re: Oil
Re: Oil