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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

US inflation *PIC*

We all know, inflation has become an issue in our lives. Of course, it’s the Ukraine war…. So we are being told.

The graph presented clearly points out that inflation went down during the last administration and reached a low point in 2020. The big jump did not happen when Putin invaded Ukraine, but when our current administration took office.

The official inflation number right now is somewhere between 8-9%. All I know…. My regular household expenses have gone up about 50% during the last one-and-a-half years.

Even if we don’t wind up getting WW3, I suspect, we will keep throwing money at the Ukraine at an increasing rate. Hey, in the end, we will have to fix their damaged infrastructure, and, maybe, give each Ukrainian a guaranteed income.

Maybe it’s time to study what happened to countries that experienced a hyper-inflation, such as Germany in the 1920s