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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Climate Crisis *PIC*

In 1989, the UN selected a group of “climate scientists” who made the prediction that within 10-12 years, “global warming” would scorch our planet and kill our food supply, that the melting ice would raise the water levels of our oceans to the point that coastal cities would be submerged in water and low-lying countries would totally disappear, and that millions would die. 10-12 years later, none of this has happened.

Then, in 2006, former VP Al Gore made a movie predicting similar bad things to happen. And again, 10 years later, not many of his dire predictions have come true.

Not long ago, I heard a member of Congress stating that Miami would be under water in 6 years.

Not long ago, King Charles stated that time is quickly running out to avert a climate catastrophe. We have to take decisive steps this year.

And during the very recent WEF meeting, Al Gore spoke of “boiling oceans”.

At one point during the years of these scary predictions, you may have asked yourself, how can anyone predict what the weather will be like in the year 2030 or 2050. Well, these scientists take existing, historical data and try to detect a trend, which they then use to predict future climate changes.
In other words, they rely on computer simulations. Of course, the problem with computer simulations is this: if your input data is bad, your simulation result will be false and misleading.

The picture below shows a bundle of these computer simulations. The blue data points show the actual data. This graph makes it quite clear that reality does not match their computer models.

Disclosure: I am not a climate scientist. However, It seems to me we are being mislead by people with political interests.

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Climate Crisis *PIC*
Re: Climate Crisis