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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

puking and the cost of sugar... *PIC*

I had the rare pleasure of running into a stomach virus last Friday. Just finished my second cup of covfeffe and was sitting here enjoying that when that nasty clammy feeling came over my body...then the nausea. Between that feeling hitting me and the first regurge was just a couple minutes. Being as the covfeffee was the only thing in there, obviously that's what came up. Regurgitated covfeffee is supremely nasty tasting.

Luckily the actual puking phase only lasted 10'ish hours. You know the end tail associated with a puke fest...the other end has to join the show...that happened all day Saturday.

The Woman got sick starting on Sunday. It must have been a fairly contagious virus because The Woman never gets sick.

The previous week and a half we were at the hospital a lot sitting with my 93 year old mother...yea...93. We figure we got it from there because we can't figure anything else. In the end, everything turned out well. Mom is at home and we're here just about back to complete normal.

At one point in the process...and the point of the story...about the only thing I felt like eating was something sweet. On one of my ventures out I stopped by a quicky store to grab some sweets. A couple large candy bars etc., etc.

3.79 dollars for a large candy bar!!! Yea, it's a quicky store so you know it more expensive there but that's crazy.

So...to the sugar chart...nothing that might suggest a tripling of the price of a candy bar, really. Looks like price might make a run to 360 when it gets a chance but ehhh...it's been as high as 660 before. More likely than not it's a function of idiotic politicians and their stupid policies.